Mustang Link eNews

If you would like to submit something for the Mustang Link eNews the guidelines for submissions are below. 

1.  Articles must be emailed to by Friday for inclusion in Sunday’s Mustang Link.

2.  Articles should have the title in the subject of the email with date to be included. The article content should be in the body of the email.


Subject:  School Supply Sale - Friday August 24, 2023.

3.  If you have multiple articles please email them separately.

4.  Please submit articles exactly as you wish them to appear in the Mustang Link.

5.  Text articles should be typed either in Word DOC attached to the email or in the body of the email in 14 size font.  PDF documents may be attached as well for inclusion.

6.  Images should be in either .jpg, .png, or .gif format.

7.  If you wish the article to be in more then one issue, please note when you would like it to stop running in the Mustang Link.


Subject:  School Supply Sale - Friday August 24, 2023 - September 14, 2024